Rivaldo i neither understand nor agree with braithwaites signing

It seems like you're expressing your disappointment and disagreement with the signing of Braithwaite by Rivaldo, who is likely a football manager or pundit. Rivaldo is a former professional footballer who played for several clubs, including Barcelona, AC Milan, and Olympiacos, and is now a football analyst and pundit.

Without more context, it's difficult to fully understand your concerns. However, I can try to provide some general insights. When a football club signs a new player, there are often various factors that influence the decision, such as the player's skills, experience, and fit with the team's playing style. Sometimes, signings can be met with mixed reactions from fans, and it's not uncommon for opinions to be divided.

If you're willing to share more about what specifically you don't understand or agree with regarding Braithwaite's signing, I'd be happy to try and help you understand the context and provide some insights.