Rio slams spurs tactics under mourinho so so negative

It seems like you're referring to a recent match between Rio Ferdinand's former team, Manchester United, and Tottenham Hotspur, managed by José Mourinho. Rio Ferdinand, a former Manchester United player and current TV pundit, has criticized Tottenham's tactics under Mourinho, labeling them as "so negative".

Mourinho's tactics have been a topic of discussion among football fans and pundits, with some criticizing his approach as overly defensive and lacking creativity. Rio Ferdinand, in particular, has been vocal about his disapproval of Mourinho's tactics, suggesting that they are not conducive to attractive football or success in the long run.

It's worth noting that Mourinho's tactics have been successful in the past, leading to numerous titles and accolades throughout his managerial career. However, his approach has also been criticized for being overly defensive and lacking the flair and creativity that many fans and pundits crave.

What are your thoughts on Mourinho's tactics and Rio Ferdinand's criticism? Do you think Mourinho's approach is effective, or do you agree with Rio Ferdinand that it's too negative?