Rihanna kiss it better jaydon lewis amapiano remix gangster carmusic

It seems like you're a fan of Rihanna's song "Kiss It Better" and you've got a special remix featuring Jaydon Lewis and an Amapiano twist!

For those who might not know, Amapiano is a genre of music that originated in South Africa, characterized by its soulful and jazzy vibes, often featuring piano riffs and deep basslines.

The remix you're referring to is likely a mashup of Rihanna's original song with Jaydon Lewis's Amapiano-infused production, which adds a new layer of depth and energy to the track. The result is a unique blend of Rihanna's signature pop style with the infectious rhythms and melodies of Amapiano.

As for the "gangster carmusic" part, I'm assuming you're referring to the fact that this remix is perfect for cruising around in your whip, blasting the music, and feeling like a boss!

Do you have a favorite part of the remix or a special memory associated with this song?