Rico the giant biography net worth and career

Rico Suave, whose real name is Ricardo Miguel Suárez, is a Puerto Rican professional wrestler, best known for his time in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF, now known as WWE). Here's a brief biography, net worth, and career overview:

Early Life and Career

Rico Suave was born on September 7, 1962, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He began his wrestling career in the 1980s, competing in various independent promotions and territorial wrestling organizations.

WWF/WWE Career

Suárez joined the WWF in 1993 and quickly became known for his charismatic personality, flamboyant attire, and impressive in-ring skills. He made his debut on November 15, 1993, at the Survivor Series pay-per-view event, where he lost to Razor Ramon.

Rico Suave's most notable feuds were with wrestlers like Razor Ramon, Diesel, and Goldust. He was a fan favorite due to his high-flying moves, quickness, and showmanship. Suárez held the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship on two occasions and was a part of the WWF's European Championship tournament in 1997.

Career Highlights

Post-WWE Career

After leaving the WWF in 1998, Suárez continued to wrestle in various independent promotions and made sporadic appearances in the WWE. He also worked as a trainer and coach for the WWE's developmental system, Florida Championship Wrestling (FCW).

Personal Life and Net Worth

Rico Suave's net worth is estimated to be around $500,000 to $1 million, primarily earned from his wrestling career and various business ventures.

Suárez has been married twice and has two children. He has been involved in various charitable initiatives, including working with the Make-A-Wish Foundation and participating in wrestling events to benefit local children's hospitals.


Rico Suave is remembered as one of the most charismatic and entertaining wrestlers of the 1990s. His flamboyant persona, impressive in-ring skills, and memorable feuds have cemented his place in wrestling history. Despite his relatively short time in the WWE, Suárez remains a beloved figure among wrestling fans and is often mentioned alongside other notable wrestlers of the era.