Richard madden reveals low pay for game of thrones role #

Richard Madden, the Scottish actor who played Robb Stark in the hit HBO series Game of Thrones, has spoken out about the low pay he received for his role in the show.

In an interview with The Guardian, Madden revealed that he was paid just £20,000 (approximately $26,000 USD) per episode for his work on Game of Thrones. This is a relatively low amount compared to what other actors on the show were earning, with some stars reportedly making up to £500,000 (approximately $650,000 USD) per episode.

Madden, who was just 23 years old when he started working on the show, said that he was not aware of the pay scale at the time and only found out about it later. He also expressed frustration that he was not able to negotiate a better deal, citing the show's popularity and his own rising fame.

"I was so young and naive, and I didn't know what I was doing," Madden said. "I didn't know what the going rate was, and I didn't know how to negotiate. I just thought, 'Oh, this is amazing, I'm going to be on this huge show, I'm going to be a part of something special.'"

Madden's comments have sparked outrage among fans and fellow actors, who are calling for better pay and working conditions for actors in the industry. The issue of low pay for actors has been a long-standing problem in the entertainment industry, with many actors struggling to make a living wage.

It's worth noting that Madden's comments are not unique to Game of Thrones, and many actors have spoken out about the low pay they receive for their work. However, Madden's comments have highlighted the issue and sparked a wider conversation about the need for better pay and working conditions for actors.