Rev fr mbaka latest news

I'm assuming you're referring to Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka, a Catholic priest and the Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Mbaka's Suspension Lifted: On October 25, 2022, the Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Most Rev. Callistus Onaga, lifted the suspension imposed on Rev. Fr. Mbaka in April 2021. The suspension was lifted after Mbaka apologized for his previous comments that were deemed to be in conflict with the Catholic Church's teachings.
  2. Return to Ministry: After his suspension was lifted, Mbaka returned to his ministry at the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria. He resumed his spiritual direction and continued to hold his weekly Mass and prayer sessions.
  3. New Book Release: In October 2022, Mbaka released a new book titled "The Power of the Holy Spirit: A Guide to Spiritual Growth and Transformation". The book is a collection of his sermons and teachings on the Holy Spirit.
  4. Continued Controversy: Despite the lifting of his suspension, Mbaka has continued to be involved in controversy. In November 2022, he made comments that were perceived as critical of the Catholic Church's leadership, which sparked a new wave of controversy.


Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka is a Catholic priest and the Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria. He was born on June 2, 1962, in Enugu State, Nigeria. Mbaka gained popularity in the early 2000s for his charismatic preaching style and his ability to attract large crowds to his ministry.

In 2021, Mbaka was suspended by the Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese for making comments that were deemed to be in conflict with the Catholic Church's teachings. The suspension was lifted in October 2022 after Mbaka apologized for his previous comments.
