Rev fr ejike mbaka latest news

Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka is a Nigerian Catholic priest and the Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news and updates about him:

Recent News:

  1. Mbaka's Suspension Lifted: On October 25, 2022, the Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Most Rev. Callistus Onaga, lifted the suspension imposed on Rev. Fr. Mbaka in 2021. The suspension was lifted after Mbaka apologized for his comments on the 2023 presidential election.
  2. Mbaka's Apology: In September 2022, Mbaka apologized for his comments on the 2023 presidential election, which were seen as divisive and political. He apologized for any harm caused by his words and asked for forgiveness.
  3. Mbaka's Return to Ministry: After his suspension was lifted, Mbaka returned to his ministry at the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria. He resumed his spiritual direction and continued to lead the ministry.
  4. Mbaka's Health: In August 2022, Mbaka was hospitalized for a few days due to an undisclosed illness. He was later discharged and returned to his ministry.
  5. Mbaka's Comments on Politics: In 2021, Mbaka made comments on the 2023 presidential election, which were seen as political and divisive. He later apologized for his comments and asked for forgiveness.

Previous News:

  1. Mbaka's Suspension: In 2021, Mbaka was suspended by the Catholic Bishop of Enugu Diocese, Most Rev. Callistus Onaga, for making comments on the 2023 presidential election. The suspension was seen as a move to discipline Mbaka for his political comments.
  2. Mbaka's Comments on Politics: In 2021, Mbaka made comments on the 2023 presidential election, which were seen as political and divisive. He endorsed a particular candidate and made comments that were seen as partisan.
  3. Mbaka's Popularity: Mbaka is a popular Catholic priest in Nigeria, known for his charismatic leadership and spiritual direction. He has a large following and is respected by many Nigerians.
  4. Mbaka's Ministry: Mbaka is the Spiritual Director of the Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria, a Catholic ministry that focuses on prayer, worship, and spiritual growth. The ministry has a large following and is known for its powerful prayers and worship sessions.

Please note that the news and updates about Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka are subject to change and may not be up-to-date.