Reuters nigeria latest news

Here are the latest news from Reuters Nigeria:

Top Stories

  1. Nigeria's economy grows 2.3% in Q1, beats forecast: Nigeria's economy grew 2.3% in the first quarter of 2023, beating forecasts and marking a rebound from a contraction in the previous quarter, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday.
  2. Nigeria's central bank keeps interest rate unchanged: Nigeria's central bank kept its benchmark interest rate unchanged at 12.5% on Tuesday, citing the need to support the economy and maintain price stability.
  3. Nigeria's inflation rate rises to 17.1% in May: Nigeria's inflation rate rose to 17.1% in May, up from 16.8% in April, driven by higher prices of food and other goods, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday.


  1. Nigeria's president Buhari to meet with governors on security: Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari will meet with state governors on Tuesday to discuss the country's security challenges, including the insurgency in the northeast and banditry in the northwest.
  2. Nigeria's opposition party accuses government of rigging elections: Nigeria's main opposition party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has accused the government of rigging last month's local elections, saying the results were manipulated to favor the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).
  3. Nigeria's senate passes bill to establish new police force: Nigeria's senate has passed a bill to establish a new police force, the Nigeria Police Trust Fund, aimed at improving the country's security and combating corruption.


  1. Nigeria's stock market falls 1.4% as investors sell off shares: Nigeria's stock market fell 1.4% on Tuesday, with investors selling off shares in response to concerns over the country's economic outlook and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Nigeria's oil production rises to 1.9 million barrels per day: Nigeria's oil production rose to 1.9 million barrels per day in May, up from 1.7 million barrels per day in April, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) said on Tuesday.
  3. Nigeria's central bank to auction $200 million in foreign exchange: Nigeria's central bank will auction $200 million in foreign exchange on Wednesday, aimed at supporting the country's foreign exchange reserves and stabilizing the naira currency.


  1. Nigeria's Super Eagles to play friendly match against Mexico: Nigeria's national football team, the Super Eagles, will play a friendly match against Mexico on June 4, the Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) said on Tuesday.
  2. Nigeria's D'Tigress to play in FIBA Women's World Cup: Nigeria's national women's basketball team, the D'Tigress, will compete in the FIBA Women's World Cup in Australia from September 22 to October 1, the Nigerian Basketball Federation (NBBF) said on Tuesday.

Please note that these are just some of the latest news from Reuters Nigeria, and there may be other important stories that are not included here.