Reuters news agency headquarters

The Reuters news agency headquarters is located in London, United Kingdom. The company was founded in 1851 by Paul Julius Reuter and has been headquartered in London since its inception.

The current headquarters of Reuters is located at:

Reuters News Agency 85 Broad Street London EC2M 1QE United Kingdom

The building is a modern, 12-story structure that was completed in 2005. It houses the global headquarters of Reuters, as well as the company's European news gathering operations.

The building is designed to be a hub for journalists and news teams, with state-of-the-art newsrooms, editing facilities, and broadcasting studios. It also features a large atrium and a rooftop garden, providing a bright and airy workspace for employees.

In addition to its London headquarters, Reuters has offices and bureaus in over 200 locations around the world, including major cities such as New York, Washington, D.C., Beijing, Tokyo, and Mumbai.