Restructuring not constitution review is what nigeria needs

A very insightful and timely topic!

Indeed, many Nigerians have been calling for a restructuring of the country, rather than a constitutional review. Here's why:

Restructuring vs. Constitutional Review:

A constitutional review is a process of reviewing and amending the existing constitution to address specific issues or concerns. It is a piecemeal approach that focuses on tweaking the existing framework to make it more effective.

On the other hand, restructuring is a broader process that involves reorganizing the country's governance structure, economy, and social fabric to address deeper issues of inequality, injustice, and inefficiency. It involves rethinking the very foundations of the country's political and economic systems.

Why Nigeria Needs Restructuring:

  1. Fiscal Federalism: Nigeria's current system of government is based on a unitary system, where the federal government has significant control over the states. Restructuring would involve devolving more powers and resources to the states, allowing them to manage their own affairs and make decisions that benefit their people.
  2. Economic Inequality: The current system has led to significant economic inequality between the north and south, with the north dominating the economy. Restructuring would involve creating more economic opportunities and reducing the concentration of wealth in the north.
  3. Insecurity and Conflict: The current system has contributed to insecurity and conflict in many parts of the country. Restructuring would involve addressing the root causes of these conflicts, such as ethnic and religious tensions, and promoting greater understanding and cooperation between different groups.
  4. Inefficient Governance: The current system is plagued by inefficiency and corruption. Restructuring would involve creating a more decentralized and accountable system of governance, with greater transparency and accountability.
  5. National Integration: Restructuring would involve promoting national integration by recognizing and respecting the diversity of Nigeria's cultures, languages, and religions.

Challenges to Restructuring:

  1. Political Will: Restructuring requires a high level of political will and consensus among the different stakeholders, including the federal government, states, and civil society organizations.
  2. Economic Costs: Restructuring would likely involve significant economic costs, including the need to retrain and redeploy personnel, and the potential for economic disruption.
  3. Social Tensions: Restructuring could also create social tensions and conflicts, particularly if it involves significant changes to the existing power dynamics.


In conclusion, while a constitutional review may be necessary to address specific issues, restructuring is a more comprehensive and transformative approach that is needed to address the deeper issues facing Nigeria. It requires a high level of political will, economic resources, and social cohesion, but the potential benefits are significant.