Resident doctors suspend strike

According to recent news, the resident doctors in Nigeria have suspended their strike action. Here's a brief summary:

Background: The resident doctors, who are members of the National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD), had been on strike since August 2021, demanding better working conditions, improved salaries, and the implementation of the Consolidated Medical Salary Structure (CONMESS).

Reason for suspension: The doctors suspended their strike after the Federal Government agreed to meet some of their demands. Specifically, the government agreed to:

  1. Implement the CONMESS for resident doctors.
  2. Increase the hazard allowance for resident doctors.
  3. Provide better working conditions and infrastructure in hospitals.
  4. Address the issue of inadequate staffing and equipment in hospitals.

Next steps: The resident doctors have agreed to return to work while negotiations continue to resolve outstanding issues. The government has also set up a committee to address the concerns of the doctors and ensure that their demands are met.

Impact: The suspension of the strike is expected to ease the pressure on the healthcare system in Nigeria, which had been severely affected by the strike. Patients who had been unable to access medical care during the strike can now receive treatment, and the strike's impact on the economy and society can begin to be mitigated.

Quote: Dr. Darlington Onyeme, the President of NARD, said, "We are suspending the strike to give the government the opportunity to fulfill its promises. We will continue to monitor the situation and take further action if necessary."

Overall, the suspension of the strike is a positive development for the healthcare system in Nigeria, and it is hoped that the government will follow through on its commitments to improve the working conditions and welfare of resident doctors.