Rescued chibok girls wont be going back to home town for school

I'm so sorry to hear that. The Chibok girls' story is a tragic and heart-wrenching one. For those who may not be aware, the Chibok girls were a group of 276 schoolgirls who were kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists from their school in Chibok, Nigeria in 2014. Many of them were forced to convert to Islam and were subjected to physical and emotional abuse.

Unfortunately, not all of the girls were rescued, and many are still missing or have been killed. For those who were rescued, the trauma and psychological scars they suffered during their captivity are still being addressed.

It's heartbreaking to hear that the rescued Chibok girls may not be able to return to their hometown for school. This is not only a loss for the girls themselves but also for their families and communities.

It's essential to provide these girls with the support and resources they need to heal and rebuild their lives. This includes access to education, counseling, and other forms of support. It's also crucial to hold those responsible for their kidnapping and abuse accountable and to work towards creating a safer and more peaceful environment in Nigeria.

I hope that efforts will be made to provide the rescued Chibok girls with the support and opportunities they need to thrive, even if it means finding alternative educational arrangements that are safe and suitable for them.