Reps to investigate illegal extortions by law enforcement agents at apapa port

Here is a draft of a letter requesting the investigation of illegal extortions by law enforcement agents at Apapa Port:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

The Honourable Minister of Transportation Federal Ministry of Transportation Abuja, Nigeria

Subject: Request for Investigation into Illegal Extortions by Law Enforcement Agents at Apapa Port

Dear Honourable Minister,

I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of great concern and urgency regarding the alleged illegal extortions by law enforcement agents at Apapa Port. As you may be aware, Apapa Port is a critical gateway for international trade and commerce in Nigeria, and any illegal activities that undermine the integrity of the port can have far-reaching consequences for the economy and national security.

I have received credible information that law enforcement agents, including officials of the Nigeria Customs Service, Nigeria Police Force, and other agencies, have been extorting money from importers and exporters at the port. These agents allegedly demand bribes and other forms of payment in exchange for allowing goods to be cleared or for not imposing penalties and fines.

This illegal activity is not only a violation of the rights of importers and exporters but also undermines the rule of law and erodes public trust in the government. It is also a significant obstacle to the growth of trade and commerce in Nigeria, as it creates uncertainty and unpredictability for businesses operating at the port.

In light of this, I respectfully request that your ministry launch an investigation into these allegations of illegal extortions by law enforcement agents at Apapa Port. I believe that a thorough investigation is necessary to determine the extent of the problem, identify those responsible, and take appropriate action to hold them accountable.

I would like to suggest the following steps to be taken during the investigation:

  1. Conduct a thorough review of records and documents related to customs clearance and other transactions at Apapa Port to identify any suspicious or irregular activities.
  2. Interview importers, exporters, and other stakeholders at the port to gather information about their experiences and any instances of extortion they may have encountered.
  3. Conduct surveillance and monitoring of law enforcement agents at the port to gather evidence of any illegal activities.
  4. Identify and interview any witnesses or whistleblowers who may have information about the alleged extortions.
  5. Take appropriate action against any law enforcement agents found to be involved in illegal activities, including disciplinary action, prosecution, and/or dismissal.

I believe that a swift and thorough investigation into these allegations is necessary to restore public trust in the government and to ensure that the port operates in a fair and transparent manner. I would appreciate it if you could provide me with an update on the progress of the investigation and any actions taken to address the issue.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]