Reps ask nuc to review curriculum for national development

Here is a draft letter:


The Honourable Minister of Education

Federal Ministry of Education

Abuja, Nigeria

Dear Honourable Minister,

I am writing to respectfully request that the National Universities Commission (NUC) review the curriculum of Nigerian universities with a view to ensuring that it aligns with the country's national development goals.

As you may be aware, the curriculum of Nigerian universities has been criticized for being outdated, irrelevant, and not adequately preparing graduates for the challenges of the 21st century. This has led to a shortage of skilled and competent professionals in various sectors of the economy, which in turn has hindered national development.

In light of this, I believe that a review of the curriculum is necessary to ensure that it is relevant, practical, and aligned with the country's national development goals. This review should involve a thorough analysis of the curriculum to identify areas that need to be updated, revised, or replaced.

Some of the key areas that the review should focus on include:

I believe that a review of the curriculum will help to ensure that Nigerian universities produce graduates who are better equipped to contribute to national development. I would be grateful if you could consider this request and take necessary steps to ensure that the curriculum of Nigerian universities is reviewed and updated to align with the country's national development goals.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Reps (Members of the House of Representatives)