Renewed killing forces benue govt to suspend return of idps to their homes

I think there may be a slight mistake in your question. The correct phrase is "renewed killings" rather than "renewed killing forces".

To answer your question:

Yes, there have been renewed killings in Benue State, Nigeria, which has led the government to suspend the return of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to their homes.

According to reports, the killings resumed in Benue State in February 2023, with multiple attacks on villages and communities, resulting in the loss of lives and property. The attacks have been attributed to herdsmen and other armed groups.

In response to the renewed violence, the Benue State Government has suspended the return of IDPs to their homes, citing concerns for their safety and security. The government has also called for calm and urged residents to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities to the authorities.

The suspension of the return of IDPs is a precautionary measure aimed at ensuring the safety and well-being of the displaced persons. The government is working to provide adequate security and protection to the IDPs and to address the root causes of the violence in the state.

It's worth noting that the conflict in Benue State is a complex issue with multiple factors, including land use disputes, cultural and religious differences, and political tensions. The government and other stakeholders are working to find a lasting solution to the crisis and to restore peace and stability to the affected communities.