Remembering diego x riquelme at boca why they dont talk

A great topic!

Diego Maradona and Juan Sebastián Verón (not Riquelme, but I'll get to that in a moment) had a complex and often tumultuous relationship during their time together at Boca Juniors in the late 1990s.

Maradona, who was the team's coach at the time, and Verón, who was a young and talented midfielder, had differing personalities and approaches to the game. Maradona was known for his intense passion and strong personality, while Verón was more reserved and focused on his individual development.

The two players had several public disagreements and confrontations during their time at Boca, which led to tension and a lack of communication between them. Maradona was known to be a demanding coach, and Verón felt that he was being unfairly criticized and micromanaged.

Riquelme, on the other hand, played for Boca Juniors from 1996 to 2002 and was a key player during that period. He was known for his exceptional skill and vision on the field, and was often referred to as "El Piojo" (The Louse) due to his ability to create chaos and confusion among opposing defenders.

Riquelme and Maradona did have a good relationship during their time together at Boca, and Riquelme was one of the players who was closest to Maradona during his coaching tenure. However, Riquelme's playing style and personality were different from Verón's, and he was able to coexist with Maradona more easily.

After Maradona's departure from Boca in 2001, Riquelme continued to play for the club and went on to become one of the greatest players in its history. He won several titles with Boca, including two Copa Libertadores trophies, and is still revered by the club's fans today.

In summary, while Maradona and Verón had a difficult relationship during their time together at Boca, Riquelme and Maradona had a more positive and productive relationship.