Religion news service

Here are some notable Religion News Service (RNS) articles and stories:

Recent Headlines

  1. "Pope Francis says he's open to married men becoming priests" (March 2021)
  2. "Biden's COVID-19 relief plan faces opposition from some religious groups" (February 2021)
  3. "US Catholic bishops approve Communion document, with some reservations" (November 2020)
  4. "Pandemic forces churches to rethink worship, community" (April 2020)
  5. "Religious leaders condemn violence, racism in wake of George Floyd's death" (June 2020)

In-Depth Reports

  1. "The rise of 'nones': Why more Americans are identifying as religiously unaffiliated" (September 2020)
  2. "The intersection of faith and politics: How religious beliefs shape voters' decisions" (October 2020)
  3. "The future of faith in America: Trends and challenges for religious institutions" (June 2020)
  4. "The role of religion in the 2020 presidential election" (October 2020)
  5. "The impact of COVID-19 on religious communities: Stories of resilience and adaptation" (April 2020)

International News

  1. "Pope Francis meets with top Orthodox leader, marking historic step towards unity" (February 2021)
  2. "India's Hindu nationalist government passes citizenship law, sparking protests" (December 2019)
  3. "China's Communist Party tightens grip on religion, forcing churches to conform" (November 2019)
  4. "Pope Francis visits Iraq, urging unity and peace in war-torn country" (March 2021)
  5. "Egypt's Coptic Christians face rising persecution, violence" (October 2020)

Analysis and Opinion

  1. "The myth of the 'Christian nation': Why America's religious heritage is more complex than we think" (November 2020)
  2. "The role of religion in the Black Lives Matter movement" (June 2020)
  3. "Why the COVID-19 pandemic is a spiritual crisis" (April 2020)
  4. "The ethics of faith and science: How religious beliefs shape our understanding of the natural world" (September 2020)
  5. "The future of religious freedom in America: Challenges and opportunities" (October 2020)

These are just a few examples of the many news articles, reports, and analysis pieces published by Religion News Service.