Relationship deal breakers list

Here is a list of common relationship deal breakers that people may consider when evaluating a potential partner or assessing the health of their current relationship:

Personal Values and Beliefs

  1. Lack of respect for personal boundaries
  2. Disregard for individuality and autonomy
  3. Incompatibility with core values (e.g., honesty, integrity, compassion)
  4. Different beliefs about important issues (e.g., politics, religion, morality)

Communication and Conflict Resolution

  1. Inability to communicate effectively
  2. Avoidance of conflict or difficult conversations
  3. Lack of active listening and empathy
  4. Unwillingness to compromise or find common ground

Trust and Loyalty

  1. Infidelity or cheating
  2. Dishonesty or deception
  3. Lack of commitment or follow-through on promises
  4. Unfaithfulness in words or actions (e.g., flirting, emotional unavailability)

Emotional Maturity and Responsibility

  1. Emotional instability or immaturity
  2. Lack of emotional intelligence or self-awareness
  3. Unwillingness to take responsibility for actions or emotions
  4. Inability to manage stress, anxiety, or anger

Financial and Material Responsibilities

  1. Financial irresponsibility or debt
  2. Lack of financial transparency or honesty
  3. Unwillingness to contribute to household expenses or financial decisions
  4. Different financial goals or priorities

Intimacy and Physical Connection

  1. Lack of physical affection or intimacy
  2. Unwillingness to engage in physical intimacy
  3. Different expectations or desires around intimacy
  4. Incompatibility with sexual preferences or practices

Support and Encouragement

  1. Lack of emotional support or encouragement
  2. Unwillingness to help or support partner's goals or aspirations
  3. Different expectations around support and encouragement
  4. Incompatibility with partner's needs or desires

Family and Social Dynamics

  1. Incompatibility with partner's family or social circle
  2. Different expectations around family involvement or dynamics
  3. Unwillingness to compromise on family or social issues
  4. Incompatibility with partner's cultural or religious background

Long-term Commitment and Future Plans

  1. Lack of commitment to the relationship or future together
  2. Different expectations around long-term goals or plans
  3. Unwillingness to work towards common goals or aspirations
  4. Incompatibility with partner's plans for the future


  1. Unwillingness to grow or evolve as a person
  2. Lack of sense of humor or ability to laugh together
  3. Different priorities around leisure time or activities
  4. Incompatibility with partner's lifestyle or habits

Remember that every individual and relationship is unique, and what may be a deal breaker for one person may not be for another. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your non-negotiables and work together to build a strong, healthy relationship.