Rehabilitation of boko haram suspects troubling says can

I understand your concern. The rehabilitation of Boko Haram suspects can be a complex and controversial issue. Here are some points to consider:


  1. Trauma and psychological scars: Many Boko Haram suspects have been subjected to physical and emotional abuse, torture, and trauma. Rehabilitation programs must address these deep-seated psychological wounds.
  2. Radicalization and ideology: Boko Haram's ideology is rooted in extremist beliefs, which can be difficult to change. Rehabilitation programs must address the underlying beliefs and values that led to radicalization.
  3. Stigma and social exclusion: Boko Haram suspects often face stigma and social exclusion, making it challenging for them to reintegrate into society.
  4. Lack of resources and infrastructure: Rehabilitation programs may face challenges in terms of funding, infrastructure, and access to specialized services.


  1. Rehabilitation vs. re-radicalization: There is a risk that rehabilitation programs may inadvertently re-radicalize individuals if they do not address the underlying beliefs and values that led to radicalization.
  2. Inadequate monitoring and oversight: Rehabilitation programs may not have adequate monitoring and oversight mechanisms to ensure that individuals are not re-radicalized or continue to pose a threat to society.
  3. Lack of community engagement: Rehabilitation programs may not engage with local communities, which can lead to mistrust and skepticism about the effectiveness of the programs.

Best practices:

  1. Multidisciplinary approach: Rehabilitation programs should involve a multidisciplinary team of experts, including psychologists, social workers, and religious leaders.
  2. Addressing trauma and psychological scars: Programs should prioritize addressing the trauma and psychological scars of Boko Haram suspects.
  3. Community engagement and reintegration: Programs should engage with local communities and provide support for reintegration, including education, job training, and social services.
  4. Monitoring and oversight: Programs should have robust monitoring and oversight mechanisms to ensure that individuals are not re-radicalized or continue to pose a threat to society.


The rehabilitation of Boko Haram suspects is a complex and challenging issue. While there are concerns about the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs, it is essential to address the underlying issues and provide support for reintegration. By adopting a multidisciplinary approach, addressing trauma and psychological scars, engaging with local communities, and ensuring monitoring and oversight, we can work towards a more effective and sustainable rehabilitation process.