Regular fg private sector interface critical to economic dev osinbajo

A quote from Vice President Yemi Osinbajo!

Here's a breakdown of what he might be saying:

"Regular FG-Private Sector Interface critical to economic development"

"Critical to economic development": This means that these regular interactions are essential for the growth and development of the Nigerian economy.

In essence, Osinbajo is emphasizing the importance of collaboration between the government and private sector in driving economic development in Nigeria. By having regular interfaces, the government can:

  1. Get feedback from the private sector on policies and regulations that affect their businesses.
  2. Identify areas where the government can provide support or incentives to stimulate growth.
  3. Encourage investment and job creation through public-private partnerships.
  4. Address challenges and bottlenecks that hinder economic growth.

By fostering a collaborative environment, the government can create an enabling business environment that attracts investment, stimulates innovation, and drives economic growth.