Reevas dad details pistorius meeting

Reeva Steenkamp's father, Barry Steenkamp, has spoken publicly about his daughter's relationship with Oscar Pistorius, the former Olympic athlete who was convicted of her murder.

According to Barry Steenkamp, Reeva and Oscar had been dating for about three months before her death. He described their relationship as "a whirlwind romance" and said that Reeva had been "head over heels" in love with Oscar.

Barry Steenkamp has also spoken about the last time he saw Reeva, which was on the evening of February 13, 2013, just hours before her murder. He said that Reeva had come to his house to watch a movie with him and his wife, June, and that she had seemed happy and carefree.

In an interview with the BBC, Barry Steenkamp described Reeva's relationship with Oscar as "a bit of a rollercoaster" and said that she had been "very upset" by some of the things Oscar had said to her. He did not elaborate on what those things were, but said that Reeva had been "trying to make it work" despite her concerns.

Barry Steenkamp has also spoken about the impact of Reeva's death on his family, saying that it has been "a nightmare" and that he and his wife have been "living in a world of grief" since her murder.

It's worth noting that Oscar Pistorius was convicted of Reeva Steenkamp's murder in 2015 and is currently serving a 13-year prison sentence.