Red dress run new orleans

The Red Dress Run in New Orleans! It's a unique and exciting event that takes place every year in the city. Here's what you need to know:

What is the Red Dress Run? The Red Dress Run is a charity event where participants wear red dresses (or red attire) and run through the streets of New Orleans. The event is held annually in June, and it's a fun and quirky way to raise money for local charities.

History of the event The Red Dress Run was founded in 1998 by a group of friends who wanted to create a fun and lighthearted event that would bring people together. The first run had only 100 participants, but it quickly grew in popularity, and today it attracts thousands of runners and spectators.

The event On the day of the run, participants gather at the starting point, usually in the French Quarter or Marigny neighborhood. At 8:00 AM, the run begins, and participants make their way through the streets of New Orleans, often taking a scenic route through the city's historic neighborhoods. The run is approximately 3.1 miles long, and it's a fun and festive atmosphere, with music, food, and drinks along the way.

Charity component The Red Dress Run is a charity event, and all proceeds go to support local charities and organizations. Over the years, the event has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for various causes, including education, healthcare, and community development.

Tips and advice

Getting involved If you're interested in participating in the Red Dress Run, you can register online through the official website. You can also volunteer or donate to support the event and its charitable causes.

Overall, the Red Dress Run is a unique and exciting event that's not to be missed. It's a fun way to experience the city, support local charities, and be a part of a quirky and memorable tradition.