Recycling news

Here are some recent recycling news stories:

1. China's National Sword Policy:

China's National Sword policy, which bans the importation of most recyclable materials, has had a significant impact on the global recycling industry. The policy has led to a surge in recyclables being sent to landfills and has forced countries to find new markets for their recyclables.

2. Recycling Rates in the US:

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the recycling rate in the US has remained stagnant at around 35% for the past few years. The EPA has set a goal to increase the recycling rate to 50% by 2030.

3. New Recycling Technologies:

Several new recycling technologies have been developed in recent years, including:

4. Recycling Contamination:

Recycling contamination, which occurs when non-recyclable materials are placed in recycling bins, is a major problem in many countries. According to a study by the National Waste & Recycling Association, contamination rates in the US are as high as 25%.

5. Extended Producer Responsibility:

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a policy that requires manufacturers to take responsibility for the waste generated by their products. EPR has been implemented in several countries, including Germany and Japan, and has been shown to increase recycling rates and reduce waste.

6. Recycling Infrastructure:

The lack of recycling infrastructure in many countries is a major barrier to increasing recycling rates. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, 80% of the world's waste is not recycled due to a lack of infrastructure.

7. Circular Economy:

The circular economy is a concept that aims to reduce waste and the consumption of natural resources by promoting the reuse and recycling of materials. Several countries, including Sweden and the Netherlands, have implemented circular economy policies and have seen significant reductions in waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

8. Recycling Education:

Recycling education is critical to increasing recycling rates. According to a study by the EPA, 75% of Americans do not know what can and cannot be recycled. Recycling education programs are being implemented in many countries to increase public awareness and understanding of recycling.

9. Recycling Economics:

The economics of recycling are complex and can be influenced by a range of factors, including commodity prices, transportation costs, and government policies. According to a report by the International Solid Waste Association, the recycling industry generates over $100 billion in economic activity each year.

10. Recycling Innovation:

Recycling innovation is critical to increasing recycling rates and reducing waste. Several companies, including TerraCycle and Loop Industries, are developing new recycling technologies and business models that aim to increase recycling rates and reduce waste.

These are just a few examples of the many recycling news stories that are being reported around the world. Recycling is a critical issue that requires the attention and action of governments, businesses, and individuals to reduce waste and promote sustainability.