Recent miracles in the news

Here are some recent miracles reported in the news:

  1. Miracle Baby Born with Heart Outside Body Survives Surgery: In 2020, a baby boy was born with his heart outside his body, a condition known as ectopia cordis. Despite the odds, the baby underwent surgery and survived. (Source: CNN)
  2. Woman Healed of Terminal Cancer after Praying at Lourdes: In 2019, a French woman was diagnosed with terminal cancer and was given only a few months to live. She traveled to Lourdes, France, and prayed at the shrine, and soon after, her cancer went into remission. (Source: The Telegraph)
  3. Man Survives 45-Minute Drowning After Being Pulled from Lake: In 2020, a man was pulled from a lake in Michigan after being underwater for 45 minutes. Miraculously, he survived and was able to walk away from the incident. (Source: Fox News)
  4. Girl Healed of Rare Skin Condition after Praying at Fatima: In 2019, a Portuguese girl was diagnosed with a rare skin condition that left her with severe burns and scarring. She traveled to Fatima, Portugal, and prayed at the shrine, and soon after, her condition began to improve. (Source: The Catholic Herald)
  5. Man Survives 12-Story Fall from Building: In 2020, a man in China fell from the 12th floor of a building, but miraculously survived the fall. He was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery, and is expected to make a full recovery. (Source: South China Morning Post)
  6. Woman Healed of Blindness after Praying at the Vatican: In 2019, a woman from Italy was diagnosed with a rare eye condition that left her blind. She traveled to the Vatican and prayed at the shrine, and soon after, her sight began to return. (Source: The Vatican News)
  7. Boy Survives Being Crushed by a Car: In 2020, a boy in India was playing near a road when a car ran over him, crushing his leg. Miraculously, he survived the incident and is expected to make a full recovery. (Source: The Times of India)
  8. Woman Healed of Terminal Kidney Disease after Praying at the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal: In 2019, a woman from the United States was diagnosed with terminal kidney disease and was given only a few months to live. She traveled to the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal in France and prayed, and soon after, her condition began to improve. (Source: The National Catholic Register)

Please note that while these stories are reported as miracles, they may not be officially recognized as such by the Catholic Church or other religious organizations.