Recent heroes in the news

Here are some recent heroes in the news:

  1. Captain Sir Tom Moore: A 100-year-old British Army veteran who raised over $40 million for the UK's National Health Service (NHS) by walking 100 laps in his backyard during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Dr. Anthony Fauci: The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) who has been a leading figure in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, providing critical information and guidance to the public.
  3. Nurse Kaci Hickox: A nurse who contracted Ebola while working in West Africa and was quarantined in the US, sparking a national debate on healthcare workers' rights and public health measures.
  4. The "Dunkin' Donuts Hero": A Massachusetts man who saved a woman from a burning building by breaking a window and pulling her to safety.
  5. The "Good Samaritan" of the London Bridge Attack: A British man who helped disarm the attacker and prevent further harm during the 2019 London Bridge attack.
  6. The "Hero of the Hong Kong Protests": A group of protesters who risked their lives to protect others from police violence during the 2019 Hong Kong protests.
  7. The "Navy SEAL Who Saved a Family": A US Navy SEAL who rescued a family of four from a burning house in California, suffering minor injuries in the process.
  8. The "Firefighters Who Saved a Family of Five": A group of firefighters who rescued a family of five from a burning apartment building in New York City.
  9. The "Heroic Doctor Who Saved a Patient's Life": A doctor who performed an emergency cesarean section on a woman who was in labor while trapped in a car accident in California.
  10. The "Good Samaritan Who Saved a Man from a Drowning": A man who saved a stranger from drowning in a lake in Michigan, using his own life jacket to keep the man afloat until help arrived.

These are just a few examples of the many heroes who have been in the news recently. Their selfless acts of bravery and kindness inspire us all!