Real madrid new stadium cost

Real Madrid's new stadium, the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, is currently undergoing a major renovation and expansion project. The estimated cost of the project is around €1 billion (approximately $1.1 billion USD).

The renovation project, which began in 2017, aims to increase the stadium's capacity from 81,044 to 90,000 seats, while also improving the overall fan experience and modernizing the facilities. The project includes the construction of new stands, improved concourses, and enhanced amenities such as restaurants, bars, and retail spaces.

The estimated cost of the project is broken down as follows:

The renovation project is expected to be completed in 2023, although the exact timeline may be subject to change.

It's worth noting that the cost of the project is being funded by a combination of private investment and public funding. The Spanish government has provided a loan of €250 million (approximately $275 million USD) to support the project, while Real Madrid is contributing the remaining funds through a combination of debt and equity financing.