Read breakers free online

"Breakers" is a popular web novel written by Ed Wyrd. It's a fantasy adventure story that has gained a large following online. Since it's a free online novel, you can read it on various platforms. Here are a few options:

  1. Wattpad: You can find "Breakers" on Wattpad, a popular online platform for reading and writing stories. The novel has over 1.5 million reads and 20,000 comments. You can access it by searching for "Breakers" on Wattpad.
  2. Royal Road: Royal Road is another online platform that hosts "Breakers". You can find it in the fantasy section, and it has over 1.2 million words of content. You can read it for free, and you can also support the author by becoming a patron.
  3. Novel Updates: Novel Updates is a website that aggregates various online novels, including "Breakers". You can find it in the fantasy section, and it has a large following. You can read the latest chapters and updates on the site.
  4. Ed Wyrd's Website: You can also read "Breakers" directly on the author's website. Ed Wyrd updates the novel regularly, and you can find the latest chapters and information about the story on his website.

Please note that "Breakers" is a long-form novel, and it's still ongoing. The story is divided into several parts, and new chapters are being added regularly. You can choose the platform that works best for you and start reading the novel.