Re election trump to retain pence as running mate

An interesting hypothetical scenario!

If Donald Trump were to run for re-election in 2024, it's possible that he might choose Mike Pence as his running mate again. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Familiarity: Pence has been a loyal and trusted partner to Trump throughout his presidency. They have worked together on many issues, and Trump may value the familiarity and comfort of having Pence by his side again.
  2. Political experience: Pence has significant political experience, having served as a congressman, governor of Indiana, and vice president. He has a strong understanding of the legislative process and has built relationships with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.
  3. Conservative credentials: Pence is a conservative with a strong track record on issues like abortion, gun rights, and religious freedom. Trump may appreciate Pence's commitment to these values and believe that he would help to energize the conservative base.
  4. Campaigning skills: Pence has proven himself to be a skilled campaigner, having run successful gubernatorial campaigns in Indiana and serving as Trump's running mate in 2016. He has a strong ability to connect with voters and deliver speeches that resonate with the public.
  5. Party unity: By choosing Pence again, Trump may be trying to send a message that he values party unity and is committed to working with his fellow Republicans. Pence has been a loyal supporter of Trump and has helped to maintain party cohesion.

On the other hand, there are some potential drawbacks to choosing Pence again:

  1. Limited appeal: Pence may not be the most exciting or dynamic candidate, which could limit his appeal to voters who are looking for a fresh face or a new perspective.
  2. Controversial issues: Pence has been involved in some controversial issues during his time as vice president, such as his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his views on LGBTQ+ rights. These controversies could become a liability for Trump if he chooses Pence again.
  3. Lack of policy expertise: While Pence has a strong understanding of politics and governance, he may not have the same level of policy expertise as some other potential running mates. This could be a concern for voters who are looking for a candidate with a strong understanding of complex policy issues.

Ultimately, the decision to choose Pence again would depend on Trump's assessment of his strengths and weaknesses as a candidate, as well as his goals for the 2024 election.