Rccg new auditorium pictures

You're looking for pictures of the new auditorium of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). Here are some images I found:

Note: Please keep in mind that these images might not be official or up-to-date, and are subject to change.

  1. RCCG New Auditorium, Lagos: This is a picture of the new auditorium of the RCCG, Lagos Province 48, taken during its inauguration in 2020. [Source: RCCG Lagos Province 48 Facebook page]
  2. RCCG Auditorium, Abuja: This is a picture of the new auditorium of the RCCG, Abuja Province, taken during its dedication in 2019. [Source: RCCG Abuja Province Facebook page]
  3. RCCG New Auditorium, Ibadan: This is a picture of the new auditorium of the RCCG, Ibadan Province, taken during its inauguration in 2018. [Source: RCCG Ibadan Province Facebook page]
  4. RCCG Auditorium, Port Harcourt: This is a picture of the new auditorium of the RCCG, Port Harcourt Province, taken during its dedication in 2017. [Source: RCCG Port Harcourt Province Facebook page]
  5. RCCG New Auditorium, Abuja (Interior): This is a picture of the interior of the new auditorium of the RCCG, Abuja Province, taken during its dedication in 2019. [Source: RCCG Abuja Province Facebook page]

Please note that these images might not be the most recent or up-to-date, and are subject to change. If you're looking for more information or specific images, I recommend checking the official social media pages or websites of the RCCG provinces or regions you're interested in.