Rccg good news haven

RCCG Good News Haven is a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), a Christian megachurch with a global presence. Here are some key facts about RCCG Good News Haven:

Location: The parish is located in Lagos, Nigeria, with multiple locations across the city.

History: The parish was founded in the early 2000s by Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, a renowned Nigerian pastor and author.

Mission: The mission of RCCG Good News Haven is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and to make disciples of all nations. The parish is committed to evangelism, discipleship, and community development.

Services: The parish offers various services, including Sunday worship services, midweek services, and special events. The services are characterized by lively worship, inspiring sermons, and opportunities for prayer and fellowship.

Ministries: RCCG Good News Haven has several ministries, including:

  1. Youth Ministry: A ministry that caters to the spiritual and social needs of young people.
  2. Women's Ministry: A ministry that empowers and equips women to fulfill their God-given purposes.
  3. Men's Ministry: A ministry that encourages and supports men in their spiritual journeys.
  4. Children's Ministry: A ministry that provides spiritual and educational programs for children.
  5. Music Ministry: A ministry that uses music to worship God and to spread the gospel.

Outreaches: The parish is involved in various outreaches, including:

  1. Community Development Projects: The parish is involved in various community development projects, such as providing food and shelter to the needy, and promoting education and healthcare.
  2. Evangelism: The parish is involved in evangelism efforts, including door-to-door evangelism, street evangelism, and other forms of outreach.
  3. Mission Trips: The parish organizes mission trips to other parts of Nigeria and the world, where members can serve and minister to others.

Leadership: The parish is led by Pastor Taiwo Odukoya, who is the Senior Pastor. He is supported by a team of pastors, elders, and other leaders who are committed to the vision and mission of the parish.

Overall, RCCG Good News Haven is a vibrant and dynamic parish that is committed to spreading the gospel and making a positive impact in the community.