Raqqa news

Raqqa is a city in northeastern Syria that has been the subject of significant news coverage in recent years due to its role as the de facto capital of the Islamic State (ISIS) and the subsequent military campaigns to retake the city. Here are some recent news articles and updates about Raqqa:

Recent News Articles:

  1. "Raqqa's liberation: A year after ISIS defeat, city struggles to rebuild" (Al Jazeera, October 2019) - This article provides an update on the city's reconstruction efforts one year after the defeat of ISIS.
  2. "Raqqa's children still haunted by ISIS trauma" (The Guardian, September 2019) - This article highlights the psychological trauma experienced by children in Raqqa who were subjected to ISIS's brutal rule.
  3. "Raqqa's ancient ruins destroyed by ISIS, but hope remains" (The New York Times, August 2019) - This article discusses the destruction of ancient ruins in Raqqa and the efforts to preserve the city's cultural heritage.
  4. "Raqqa's economy struggles to recover after ISIS" (Reuters, July 2019) - This article reports on the economic challenges facing Raqqa as it tries to recover from the devastation caused by ISIS.

Military Updates:

  1. "US-backed forces declare victory over ISIS in Raqqa" (CNN, October 2017) - This article reports on the declaration of victory by US-backed forces over ISIS in Raqqa.
  2. "Raqqa's liberation: A timeline of the battle against ISIS" (The Washington Post, October 2017) - This article provides a timeline of the military campaign to retake Raqqa from ISIS.
  3. "ISIS still has sleeper cells in Raqqa, Syrian Democratic Forces say" (The New York Times, June 2019) - This article reports on the presence of ISIS sleeper cells in Raqqa and the ongoing efforts to root them out.

Humanitarian Updates:

  1. "Raqqa's civilians struggle to access basic services" (UN News, August 2019) - This article highlights the challenges faced by civilians in Raqqa in accessing basic services such as healthcare and education.
  2. "Raqqa's displaced people struggle to return home" (The Guardian, July 2019) - This article reports on the difficulties faced by displaced people in returning to their homes in Raqqa.
  3. "Raqqa's children in need of psychological support" (UNICEF, June 2019) - This article emphasizes the need for psychological support for children in Raqqa who have been affected by the conflict.

These are just a few examples of the many news articles and updates available about Raqqa. The city continues to face significant challenges as it tries to recover from the devastation caused by ISIS and the conflict.