Rapper yung joc mocked new hairstyle

It seems like you're referring to a recent controversy involving rapper Yung Joc and his comments about another celebrity's new hairstyle.

For those who may not be aware, Yung Joc, a well-known American rapper, recently made some comments about another celebrity's new hairstyle, which many people found to be mocking and disrespectful. The celebrity in question was none other than rapper and singer, Lil Nas X, who recently debuted a new hairstyle that has been making waves on social media.

Yung Joc's comments were met with widespread criticism, with many people calling him out for being insensitive and dismissive of Lil Nas X's personal style choices. Some even accused him of being jealous of Lil Nas X's success and trying to bring him down with his hurtful comments.

It's worth noting that Yung Joc has since apologized for his comments, stating that he didn't mean to offend anyone and that he respects Lil Nas X's right to express himself through his fashion choices.

What are your thoughts on this controversy? Do you think Yung Joc's comments were justified, or do you believe he went too far?