Ramos reveals what he really thinks about messi how madrid can defeat barcelona in el clasico

I think you may be referring to a fictional scenario, as Sergio Ramos is a Real Madrid player and it's unlikely he would publicly reveal his true thoughts about Lionel Messi or how Madrid can defeat Barcelona in El Clásico.

However, for the sake of creativity, let's imagine a scenario where Ramos does reveal his thoughts:

Ramos: "You know, people always ask me about Messi, and I'll tell you, he's an incredible player. But let's be real, he's not invincible. He's human, just like the rest of us. And I think what people forget is that I've been playing against him for years, and I've got a few tricks up my sleeve to counter his magic.

"As for how Madrid can defeat Barcelona in El Clásico, it's all about discipline and organization. We need to be solid at the back, not give them any space to exploit, and then use our pace and counter-attacking ability to catch them off guard. We also need to be clinical in front of goal, because you can't afford to waste chances against a team like Barcelona.

"But let's be honest, it's not just about X's and O's. It's about the mental toughness and desire to win. We need to want it more than them, and be willing to do whatever it takes to come out on top. And if we can do that, I'm confident we can get the job done."

Of course, this is all just fictional, and Ramos would never publicly reveal his true thoughts about Messi or how Madrid can defeat Barcelona. But it's fun to imagine what he might say!