Rainforest alliance news

Here are some recent news articles and updates from the Rainforest Alliance:

Recent News

  1. Rainforest Alliance and WWF Collaborate to Protect Forests: The Rainforest Alliance and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have announced a new partnership to protect forests and combat deforestation. The collaboration aims to promote sustainable land-use practices and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (Source: Rainforest Alliance, March 2023)
  2. New Study Highlights Impact of Sustainable Coffee on Biodiversity: A recent study published in the journal Environmental Research Letters found that sustainable coffee production can have a positive impact on biodiversity, including the conservation of coffee plantations and the protection of migratory bird species. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Rainforest Alliance and other organizations. (Source: ScienceDaily, February 2023)
  3. Rainforest Alliance Launches New Certification Program for Small-Scale Farmers: The Rainforest Alliance has launched a new certification program for small-scale farmers, aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture practices and improving the livelihoods of small-scale farmers. The program is designed to be more accessible and affordable for small-scale farmers than traditional certification programs. (Source: Rainforest Alliance, January 2023)

Recent Updates

  1. Rainforest Alliance Celebrates 30 Years of Conservation Efforts: The Rainforest Alliance is celebrating its 30th anniversary, marking three decades of conservation efforts and sustainable development initiatives. The organization has worked with over 4 million farmers and foresters to promote sustainable agriculture and forestry practices. (Source: Rainforest Alliance, December 2022)
  2. New Report Highlights Impact of Climate Change on Coffee Production: A new report published by the Rainforest Alliance and other organizations found that climate change is having a significant impact on coffee production, with rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns affecting coffee yields and quality. The report highlights the need for sustainable coffee production practices to mitigate the effects of climate change. (Source: Rainforest Alliance, November 2022)
  3. Rainforest Alliance and Partners Launch New Initiative to Protect Amazon Rainforest: The Rainforest Alliance has launched a new initiative to protect the Amazon rainforest, in partnership with other organizations and governments. The initiative aims to promote sustainable land-use practices and reduce deforestation in the Amazon region. (Source: Rainforest Alliance, October 2022)

Upcoming Events

  1. Rainforest Alliance Annual Conference: The Rainforest Alliance will be hosting its annual conference in June 2023, featuring keynote speakers, workshops, and networking opportunities. The conference will focus on sustainable agriculture and forestry practices, as well as the impact of climate change on global food systems. (Source: Rainforest Alliance)
  2. Sustainable Coffee Conference: The Rainforest Alliance will be hosting a sustainable coffee conference in September 2023, featuring industry experts, farmers, and coffee roasters. The conference will focus on sustainable coffee production practices, coffee quality, and the impact of climate change on coffee production. (Source: Rainforest Alliance)

I hope this information is helpful!