Raging at mourinho and klopp in the latest mailbox

The Mailbox, where the passion and opinions of football fans run wild! Here's a snippet from the latest edition, where some readers are having a go at Jose Mourinho and Jurgen Klopp:

"Mourinho's a joke"

"Can't believe the state of Manchester United under Mourinho. He's had more chances than a Premier League striker and still can't get it right. His tactics are outdated, his team selection is baffling, and his constant moaning is getting on my nerves. Time for him to go!" - Red Devil

"Klopp's a one-trick pony"

"I'm so sick of Liverpool's 'Gegenpressing' nonsense. It's all they know, and it's getting old. They can't even play a simple game of football without resorting to kicking the opposition all over the pitch. Klopp's a one-trick pony, and his team's lack of creativity is embarrassing. Mark my words, they'll never win the Champions League with that style" - Anfield Annoyed

"Mourinho's a genius"

"I don't know what all the fuss is about. Mourinho's a master tactician, and his teams always seem to find a way to win. Sure, he might not be the most popular guy, but he gets results. And let's be real, who else could get the best out of players like Paul Pogba and Marcus Rashford? He's a genius, and United would be lost without him" - Red Army

"Klopp's a breath of fresh air"

"I love watching Liverpool play under Klopp. They're so entertaining, and their passion is infectious. Sure, they might not always win, but they never give up. And let's not forget, they've been to the Champions League final and won the Champions League! Mourinho's just a grumpy old man who can't adapt to the modern game. Klopp's the future, and I'm excited to see what he does next" - Scouse Steve

And there you have it, folks! The Mailbox is always full of lively debate and passionate opinions. Who do you agree with?