Radio news script example

Here is an example of a radio news script:


[Upbeat music fades out, followed by a brief pause]

Announcer: "Good evening, I'm [Announcer's name] and this is [Radio station name] News. We have the latest updates on the top stories of the day. Let's get started."


Announcer: "A major fire broke out in downtown [City name] earlier today, forcing the evacuation of several buildings. According to eyewitnesses, the blaze started in a warehouse on Main Street and quickly spread to nearby structures. Firefighters were able to contain the fire, but not before it caused significant damage to several businesses. No injuries have been reported, but the cause of the fire is still under investigation."

[Sound effects: Sirens, fire crackling]

Announcer: "We'll have more on this story as it develops. In the meantime, we go live to our correspondent in the field, [Correspondent's name], who has been following the story all day."

[Live report from correspondent]


Announcer: "In other news, the [City name] City Council has approved a new plan to improve public transportation in the city. The plan, which was proposed by Mayor [Mayor's name], aims to increase the frequency of buses and trains, as well as add new routes to underserved areas of the city. The plan is expected to be implemented in the next 12 months and is expected to benefit thousands of commuters."

[Sound effects: Bus or train sound effects]

Announcer: "We'll have more on this story and what it means for commuters in our next segment."


[Upbeat music plays for 30 seconds]

Announcer: "And now, a word from our sponsors. [Sponsor's name] is proud to support [Radio station name] News. [Sponsor's message]"


Announcer: "The [City name] Police Department is investigating a string of burglaries that have occurred in the past week. According to police, the burglars have targeted several homes in the [Neighborhood name] area, stealing valuables and leaving behind little evidence. Police are urging residents to be vigilant and to report any suspicious activity to the authorities."

[Sound effects: Police sirens]

Announcer: "We'll have more on this story and how you can protect your home from burglars in our next segment."


Announcer: "That's all for tonight's news. Thank you for joining us. We'll be back tomorrow with more news and updates. Until then, goodnight and stay safe."

[Outro music plays]

This script is just an example, but it should give you an idea of what a radio news script might look like.