Queen elizabeth ii net worth 2022

According to various sources, Queen Elizabeth II's net worth in 2022 is estimated to be around £500 million to £1 billion (approximately $650 million to $1.3 billion USD). This estimate includes the value of her personal assets, as well as the assets of the British monarchy.

Here's a breakdown of her estimated net worth:

  1. Personal assets:
    • Jewelry: Estimated value of £100 million to £200 million (approximately $130 million to $260 million USD)
    • Art collection: Estimated value of £50 million to £100 million (approximately $65 million to $130 million USD)
    • Real estate: Estimated value of £50 million to £100 million (approximately $65 million to $130 million USD)
    • Investments: Estimated value of £100 million to £200 million (approximately $130 million to $260 million USD)
  2. Monarchy assets:
    • The Crown Estate: Estimated value of £10 billion to £15 billion (approximately $13 billion to $19.5 billion USD)
    • The Duchy of Lancaster: Estimated value of £500 million to £1 billion (approximately $650 million to $1.3 billion USD)
    • Other assets: Estimated value of £100 million to £500 million (approximately $130 million to $650 million USD)

It's worth noting that the Queen's net worth is not publicly disclosed, and these estimates are based on various reports and sources. Additionally, the Queen's net worth is not solely her own, as she is also the owner of the Crown Estate, which is a vast portfolio of properties and investments that belong to the British monarch.