Quality news

Here are some quality news sources across various categories:

General News

  1. The New York Times (nytimes.com)
  2. The Washington Post (washingtonpost.com)
  3. BBC News (bbc.com/news)
  4. Al Jazeera (aljazeera.com)
  5. Reuters (reuters.com)

Business News

  1. The Wall Street Journal (wsj.com)
  2. Financial Times (ft.com)
  3. Bloomberg (bloomberg.com)
  4. CNBC (cnbc.com)
  5. Forbes (forbes.com)

Technology News

  1. The Verge (theverge.com)
  2. Wired (wired.com)
  3. TechCrunch (techcrunch.com)
  4. CNET (cnet.com)
  5. Ars Technica (arstechnica.com)

Health News

  1. The Lancet (thelancet.com)
  2. The New England Journal of Medicine (nejm.org)
  3. HealthDay (healthday.com)
  4. MedPage Today (medpagetoday.com)
  5. NPR Health (npr.org/sections/health)

Science News

  1. Science Magazine (sciencemag.org)
  2. Nature (nature.com)
  3. Scientific American (scientificamerican.com)
  4. The Guardian Science (theguardian.com/science)
  5. Physics Today (physicstoday.org)

International News

  1. The Guardian International (theguardian.com/international)
  2. The Economist (economist.com)
  3. Le Monde (lemonde.fr)
  4. The Times of London (thetimes.co.uk)
  5. Deutsche Welle (dw.com)

Specialized News

  1. The Hill (thehill.com) - politics
  2. The Hollywood Reporter (hollywoodreporter.com) - entertainment
  3. The Sports Illustrated (si.com) - sports
  4. The Art Newspaper (theartnewspaper.com) - art and culture
  5. The Diplomat (thediplomat.com) - Asia-Pacific news and analysis

Remember to always verify the credibility of news sources and consider multiple perspectives when consuming news.