Pyongyang keeps military threats u s trumps ridicule

It seems like you're referring to the recent tensions between North Korea and the United States, particularly during the presidency of Donald Trump. Here's a summary of the situation:

Background: North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), has been developing its nuclear and ballistic missile programs for several decades. The country has been under international sanctions and pressure to abandon its nuclear ambitions.

Threats from North Korea: In recent years, North Korea has made several threats against the United States and its allies, including South Korea and Japan. These threats have been made through various channels, including official statements, propaganda broadcasts, and military exercises.

Ridicule from Trump: During his presidency, Donald Trump frequently responded to North Korea's threats with ridicule and sarcasm. He often used Twitter to mock North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, calling him "Little Rocket Man" and saying that he was "short and fat." Trump also threatened to destroy North Korea if it continued to threaten the United States.

Escalation of tensions: The rhetoric and threats from both sides led to a significant escalation of tensions between North Korea and the United States. In 2017, North Korea conducted a series of nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches, which were met with increased sanctions and military exercises by the United States.

Diplomatic efforts: In 2018, Trump and Kim Jong-un held a historic summit in Singapore, where they signed a joint statement agreeing to work towards denuclearization. However, the process has been slow and challenging, with North Korea continuing to develop its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

Current situation: Today, tensions between North Korea and the United States remain high, with both sides continuing to exchange threats and rhetoric. The situation is complex and sensitive, with many experts warning of the potential for conflict or miscalculation.

It's worth noting that while Trump's rhetoric was often criticized for being inflammatory and unhelpful, his administration did take some steps to engage with North Korea and reduce tensions. However, the situation remains precarious, and it will likely require sustained diplomatic efforts to achieve a lasting resolution.