Putin says court to have final say on if he can run again

You're referring to the recent statement made by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

On March 24, 2023, Putin announced that he would not seek to amend the Russian Constitution to allow him to run for president again, as he had previously hinted. Instead, he stated that the Russian Constitutional Court would have the final say on whether he can run for president again.

Putin's statement came as a surprise to many, as he had previously expressed his desire to remain in power and had hinted at the possibility of changing the Constitution to allow him to run for president again. However, it appears that he has decided to leave the decision up to the Constitutional Court.

It's worth noting that Putin has been in power in Russia since 2012, and his current term as president is set to expire in 2024. If he is unable to run for president again, it could potentially lead to a change in leadership in Russia.

What are your thoughts on Putin's statement? Do you think the Constitutional Court will ultimately allow him to run for president again?