Put new tyres on front or back

When it comes to replacing tyres, it's generally recommended to replace the tyres on the front or back of your vehicle in a specific order. Here's why:

Why replace the front tyres first?

  1. Traction and handling: The front tyres are responsible for steering and braking, so it's essential to ensure they have good traction and grip. Replacing the front tyres first ensures that your vehicle handles and brakes properly.
  2. Wear patterns: Front tyres tend to wear out faster than rear tyres due to the constant steering and braking. Replacing them first helps maintain even tyre wear and prevents uneven wear patterns from developing.
  3. Safety: Properly functioning front tyres are crucial for safety, as they affect your vehicle's stability and braking performance.

Why replace the rear tyres second?

  1. Load-carrying capacity: Rear tyres are responsible for carrying the weight of the vehicle, so it's essential to ensure they have sufficient load-carrying capacity. Replacing them second ensures that your vehicle remains stable and safe.
  2. Tire wear patterns: Rear tyres tend to wear out more evenly than front tyres, so replacing them second helps maintain even tyre wear and prevents uneven wear patterns from developing.

When to replace both front and rear tyres at the same time:

  1. Uneven tyre wear: If your tyres have uneven wear patterns, it's recommended to replace both front and rear tyres at the same time to ensure even tyre wear and maintain proper vehicle handling.
  2. Age: If your tyres are approaching the end of their recommended lifespan (usually 6-8 years), it's recommended to replace both front and rear tyres at the same time to ensure your vehicle is safe and reliable.

In summary, it's generally recommended to replace the front tyres first, followed by the rear tyres. However, if you notice uneven tyre wear or your tyres are approaching the end of their lifespan, it may be necessary to replace both front and rear tyres at the same time. Always consult your vehicle's manufacturer recommendations and a professional mechanic if you're unsure about the best course of action.