Pull up by mista myles

A classic!

"Pull Up" is a popular song by Mista Myles, a Jamaican dancehall artist. The song was released in 2019 and has gained a significant following worldwide.

Here are the lyrics:

[Verse 1] Pull up, pull up, pull up, yeah Pull up, pull up, pull up, yeah Girl, you know I'm coming for you Got my eyes on you, got my eyes on you

[Chorus] Pull up, pull up, pull up, yeah Pull up, pull up, pull up, yeah Girl, you know I'm coming for you Got my eyes on you, got my eyes on you

[Verse 2] I'm on the road, I'm on the road I'm on the road, I'm on the road Girl, you know I'm coming for you Got my eyes on you, got my eyes on you

[Chorus] Pull up, pull up, pull up, yeah Pull up, pull up, pull up, yeah Girl, you know I'm coming for you Got my eyes on you, got my eyes on you

The song's catchy hook and infectious beat have made it a staple in dancehall and reggae playlists. Mista Myles' smooth vocals and confident delivery have also contributed to the song's popularity.

Do you have a favorite part of the song or a special memory associated with it?