Public relations news

Here are some recent public relations news stories:

  1. Crisis Communications: A recent survey by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) found that 75% of respondents believed that crisis communications is the most important aspect of public relations. (Source: PRSA)
  2. Social Media Influencer Marketing: A study by Tomoson found that influencer marketing generates $6.50 in earnings for every dollar spent, making it a highly effective public relations strategy. (Source: Tomoson)
  3. Reputation Management: A survey by the Reputation Institute found that 86% of consumers say that a company's reputation is important when making a purchasing decision. (Source: Reputation Institute)
  4. Media Relations: A study by the Media Relations Council found that 75% of journalists say that public relations professionals are more effective at pitching stories than they were five years ago. (Source: Media Relations Council)
  5. Content Marketing: A report by the Content Marketing Institute found that 70% of B2B marketers say that content marketing is a key component of their overall marketing strategy. (Source: Content Marketing Institute)
  6. Crisis Communications Planning: A study by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) found that 60% of organizations do not have a crisis communications plan in place. (Source: IABC)
  7. Digital PR: A report by the Digital PR Council found that 80% of public relations professionals say that digital PR is a key component of their overall strategy. (Source: Digital PR Council)
  8. Employee Advocacy: A study by the Employee Advocacy Institute found that 75% of employees are more likely to trust information about a company when it comes from a colleague rather than a CEO or PR professional. (Source: Employee Advocacy Institute)
  9. Public Relations Measurement: A report by the Institute for Public Relations (IPR) found that 70% of public relations professionals say that measuring the effectiveness of public relations efforts is a major challenge. (Source: IPR)
  10. Diversity and Inclusion: A study by the PR Council found that 75% of public relations professionals say that diversity and inclusion are important issues in the industry. (Source: PR Council)

These are just a few examples of recent public relations news stories. If you're looking for more information, I'd be happy to help!