Public procurement legislators call on finance minister agf

It appears that you are referring to a situation where public procurement legislators are calling on the Finance Minister and the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) in Nigeria.

Here's a possible scenario:

The public procurement legislators, who are members of the National Assembly, are calling on the Finance Minister and the AGF to address concerns and issues related to public procurement in the country. They may be seeking clarification on certain policies, procedures, or practices that are deemed to be inconsistent with the Public Procurement Act or other relevant laws.

Some possible reasons for the call may include:

  1. Allegations of corruption or irregularities in public procurement processes.
  2. Concerns about the lack of transparency and accountability in the procurement process.
  3. Issues related to the implementation of the Public Procurement Act, such as delays or inefficiencies in the procurement process.
  4. Requests for clarification on specific procurement procedures or policies.

The Finance Minister and the AGF may be called upon to provide information, explanations, or assurances on these matters, and to take steps to address any concerns or issues raised by the legislators.