Ptad news

PTAD stands for Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate, which is a Nigerian government agency responsible for managing the pension transition process for federal civil servants. Here are some recent news updates about PTAD:

  1. PTAD to Pay Outstanding Pension Arrears: The PTAD has announced that it will pay outstanding pension arrears to federal civil servants who are due for payment. This move is aimed at resolving the long-standing issue of delayed pension payments.
  2. PTAD Launches Online Pension Verification System: The agency has launched an online pension verification system to enable pensioners to verify their pension details and check their payment status. This move is expected to reduce the time spent by pensioners in queues and improve the overall pension payment process.
  3. PTAD to Pay Pensioners in Foreign Countries: The PTAD has announced that it will pay pensioners who are living abroad through a new payment system. This move is aimed at ensuring that pensioners who are living outside Nigeria receive their pension payments promptly and efficiently.
  4. PTAD to Implement Biometric Verification for Pensioners: The agency has announced plans to implement biometric verification for pensioners to ensure that only eligible pensioners receive their payments. This move is aimed at reducing fraud and improving the overall pension payment process.
  5. PTAD to Pay Pensioners in Arrears: The PTAD has announced that it will pay pensioners who are in arrears of payment. This move is aimed at resolving the long-standing issue of delayed pension payments and ensuring that pensioners receive their payments promptly.

These are some of the recent news updates about PTAD. The agency is working to improve the pension payment process and ensure that pensioners receive their payments promptly and efficiently.