Psquare new song video

You're a fan of the Nigerian R&B duo, Psquare!

As of now, Psquare hasn't released a new song with an official music video. However, I can suggest some of their popular songs with great music videos:

  1. "Chop My Money" (feat. Akon) - A classic!
  2. "Beautiful Onyinye" - A romantic ballad
  3. "Do Me" - An upbeat party anthem
  4. "Ejeajo" - A feel-good song with a catchy chorus
  5. "Bank Alert" (feat. Duncan Mighty) - A high-energy track

If you're looking for new music from the brothers, you can check out their individual solo projects or collaborations with other artists. Peter Okoye (Mr. P) and Paul Okoye (Rudeboy) have both released solo music in recent years.

Let me know if you'd like more recommendations or updates on Psquare's music!