Psalm 91 good news

Psalm 91 is a beautiful and comforting passage in the Bible that speaks of God's protection and care for His children. Here's a breakdown of the good news it contains:

God is our refuge and strength (v. 2)

God will cover us with His feathers (v. 4)

God will keep us from all harm (v. 3)

God will deliver us from the snare of the fowler (v. 3)

God will cover us with His wings (v. 4)

God will keep us safe from the plague (v. 3)

God will give us long life (v. 16)

God will show us His salvation (v. 16)

Overall, Psalm 91 is a beautiful passage that speaks of God's love, care, and protection over us. It reminds us that God is our refuge and strength, and that He will keep us safe from all harm.