Psalm 83 good news bible

Here is Psalm 83 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Psalm 83

  1. O God, do not keep silent.
  2. Do not be still, O God.
  3. See how your enemies are stirred up.
  4. How your foes raise their heads.
  5. They conspire against your people,
  6. and plot against those you love.
  7. They say, "Come, let us wipe them out as a nation;
  8. let the name of Israel be remembered no more."
  9. By conspiracy they plot against your people;
  10. they say, "Let their power be broken."
  11. With one mind they plot against you;
  12. they trust in their army and in the strength of their warriors.
  13. But you, O God, are my king from ancient times,
  14. who brings salvation on the earth.
  15. It was you who split open the sea by your strength;
  16. you broke the heads of the monsters in the waters.
  17. It was you who crushed the mighty heads of Leviathan,
  18. who gave it as food to the creatures of the desert.
  19. It was you who split open springs and streams;
  20. you dried up the ever-flowing rivers.
  21. The day is yours, and yours also the night;
  22. you established the sun and moon.
  23. It is you who set the boundaries of the earth;
  24. you made the summer and winter.
  25. Look down from heaven and see,
  26. hear the moan of the prisoners,
  27. who long for your name to be used in blessing.
  28. May the kings of the earth bring praise to you,
  29. O God, who judges fairly,
  30. who teaches the nations.
  31. May the kings of the earth bring praise to you,
  32. O God, who judges fairly.

This psalm is a prayer for God's intervention against the enemies of Israel, asking God to not keep silent and to not be still in the face of their plotting and scheming. The psalmist reminds God of His power and past victories, and asks Him to bring salvation and deliverance to His people.