Psalm 7 good news bible

Here is Psalm 7 in the Good News Bible:

Psalm 7

A Prayer for Justice

  1. O Lord my God, I take refuge in you. Save me from all those who pursue me, from those who try to destroy me.
  2. They say to me, "God will not rescue him." But you, O Lord, are my shield, my glory, my hope, my savior.
  3. May my prayer come before you; answer me as you have promised.
  4. May my enemies turn back; may those who hate me flee before you.
  5. May they be caught in their own traps, may they fall into their own pit.
  6. Then I will rejoice in your deliverance; I will praise you with my song.
  7. Lord, you have given me your word of promise; you have given me hope.
  8. I will always praise you, as long as I live.
  9. I will trust in you, O Lord; I will not be afraid.
  10. My enemies will stumble and fall, but for me, O Lord, will you not be a shelter?
  11. Show me your mercy, O Lord, as you have promised.
  12. I will fulfill my vows to you, as I promised.
  13. You have given me freedom, you have set me free.
  14. I will go to your temple, to give thanks to your name, because of your love and your faithfulness, for you have set me free.

Note: The Good News Bible is a translation of the Bible that is written in a clear and easy-to-understand style, making it accessible to readers who may not be familiar with biblical language or culture.