Psalm 64 good news bible

Here is Psalm 64 in the Good News Bible (GNB):

Psalm 64

1 God, listen to my prayer; hear my cry for help. 2 From the deceitful tongues of those who attack me, from the lips of those who speak evil against me, 3 from the hands of those who seek my life, from the hands of those who want to harm me, 4 hide me from their plots and snares. 5 They sharpen their tongues like swords, aiming to shoot down the innocent; 6 they shoot at me from ambush, but they will not succeed. 7 They will stumble and fall, and their own evil will be their downfall. 8 God, you will bring them to nothing; you will destroy them, Lord. 9 You will wipe out their names from the earth, and their memory will be forgotten. 10 But God, you will save me from the deceitful tongues, from the lips of those who speak evil against me. 11 You will keep me safe from the hands of those who seek my life, from the hands of those who want to harm me. 12 You will hide me from their plots and snares, and you will keep me safe from those who seek my life.

This psalm is a prayer for protection and deliverance from enemies who are seeking to harm the psalmist. The psalmist asks God to hide them from the plots and snares of their enemies, and to bring those enemies to nothing. The psalm ends with a declaration of trust in God's ability to save and protect the psalmist.